"Art, Politics and Protest" those words have so much meaning and are so rich in piecing together our world. Being that we live in a democracy, I feel that this should have a relevance to all of us. We all express ourselves in different ways, but most would agree that "Art, Politics and Protest" have a big intake and output on their lives.
I have often put in situations where I would lay back and just start to think about the world as a whole. I would listen to music and I start to drift away in thought. Music touches me very deeply, whether its rap, r&b, hip-hop, pop, Latin... etc. I listen to a wide range of genres because I feel that all music has its own way of expression similar to people. Music moves me both literally and figuratively. One of my favorites right now is "My Generation" by Nas, Damien Marley, and Lil Wayne. It speaks about our generation making a change in the world, making it a better place for our next generation.
Writing also plays a big role in my life because I would often pick up a pen and start writing raps. Although a lot of people don't know that about me, I have a passion for writing music. I have been a ghostwriter for a few upcoming artists in which I feel very happy doing. Although not well known for writing, I do hope to furthermore my rep and someday possibly work out something big.
I have never been a part of any protest, but I would gladly protest for a very good cause. Until I find a cause reasonable for me to protest, I don't plan on doing so anytime soon. Protest are very important in spreading one's opinions on a topic. They often catch the public eye and usually has a positive turn out with a compromise. I have nothing against protests nor do I see myself taking part in one very soon.
This class seems to have broaden my horizons and I see it doing so furthermore. I'd like to understand the struggles and hardships of the people of the world. So far I have enjoyed what has been taught, and i expect to learn much more throughout.